Kingsgate Place
The client for this project sought to maximise his freehold by gaining planning consent for new for-rent flats at the rear of the main building on the site. The chief planning case turned on demonstrating a new design that did not degrade the existing flats around the proposal. TYA made this case and achieved a planning consent for the client and thereby added considerable value to his freehold.
Drysdale Saw Mills
This project focussed on the property sale potential of an industrial site whose occupiers were moving out of London closer to the main road network. The client needed to make a coherent, and viable case to the planners that the change-of-use needed for onward sale was reasonable. TYA, through careful negotiation, achieved this planning goal, defining in the process the main layout of the large mixed-use scheme and the massing that was actually built-out by the final developer.
Mansfield Road 1
Gospel Oak
This project produced a good profit for the owner of a small plot opposite Gospel Oak Station. By obtaining planning consent via detailed negotiation with the planners for a three-storey mixed-used building in a sought-after London neighbourhood, we were able to help our client bring his site to market and sell at a decent price. The building as built-out by our client’s buyer shows several interesting variations on our original scheme.